Traditional Dishes “Nasi Campur”

Everyday Balinese fare is comprised of rice, vegetables, egg and maybe a little meat or fish; this is known as ‘Nasi Campur’. It’s considered to be one of the world’s most complex cuisines, Balinese food is an elaborate blend of fresh ingredients, intricate flavours and aromatic spices accomplished with an extraordinary dedication to preparation and cookery

100K Likes Contest

Help us to celebrate 100,000 Facebook likes. And we’re going to give you a chance to win a prize of 100,000 IHG Rewards point and redeem your complimentary stay at more than 4,900 IHG properties worldwide. Join the contest, simply by telling us: “if you are given 100,000 IHG® Rewards Club points, which InterContinental hotels around the world would you like to stay at and why?” But first, follow the steps to join the contest: 1. LIKE our Facebook page 2. LIKE and SHARE our…Continue Reading “100K Likes Contest”