Resort Sculpture: Pandawa Lima

Categories Art, Bali, Local
Pandawa Lima statues at the main entrance of the hotel
Pandawa Lima statues at the main entrance of the hotel

The name “Pandawa Lima”, is derived from the story of a noble family who are the lead characters in the story of “Mahabarata”. This story, which originates from India, has become a very popular epic throughout Southeast Asia, and especially in the Indonesian provinces of Sunda. Throughout the island of Java and in Bali.

The five (5) noble forms represent the characters; Yudhistira, Bima, Arjuna, Nakula and Sadewa,  who in the same order represent or characterize; goodness a desire to struggle for ones’ goals; righteousness; justice; and the fight against evil.

Pandawa Lima
Pandawa Lima

The Bimantara Group, as the owner the hotel, can also be characterized in a similar manner in their struggle to overcome all the adversities towards the successful completion of such a magnificent hotel in the background of the Pandawa Lima occur throughout Bali, of which the proportions taken from wood statues (more flattered) as found in Karangasem are more dominant, as opposed to a more correct and round figure as created for this hotel.

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